Agrimax Ventures is a Singapore headquartered business focused on sustainably transforming agricultural productivity by the use of technological innovation.
We develop, operate and invest in sectors that use technology to target specific imbalances in food and agriculture, whilst maintaining the overarching criteria of sustainable production, consumption and waste reduction.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation reported that by 2050 agricultural production will have to rise by 70% to meet projected demand.
Since most land suitable for farming is already farmed, this growth must come from higher yields!


Ankesh Shahra is the Founder and Managing Director of Agrimax Ventures. As an entrepreneur working in the food and agricultural sector for over 20 years, his passion lies in learning and adapting innovative technologies and bringing them to life at a grassroots level. His interest in the dynamics and economics of Agriculture and associated markets began when he was interning with soft commodity brokers in Chicago and Buenos Aires, as well as exploring greenfield plantation development in Indonesia, Cambodia and Madagascar.
While studying in Singapore, he started his first venture that involved building a proprietary global grains and oilseeds trading platform that focused on value trading and arbitrage, using crop-cutting experiments as the primary tool for fundamental research. This experience led him to zoom into the hardship faced by emerging market farmers in the face of climate change.
Over the years, these ground level insights have shaped the ethos of the ventures that have been developed, which span Seed Genetics, Farm Inputs, Biologicals, Plant Proteins, and Controlled Environment Ag.

Patience, Perseverence, and Pivots